Dr. Sil Aarts

Assistant professor | scientist | teacher | AWO-L | Maastricht University


Below, you can find my blogs.

Vijf handvatten om data in de langdurige ouderenzorg te gebruiken

A linkt to the Dutch blog post, posted at Zorgvisie can be found here.

Slim gebruik van data verbetert kwaliteit langdurige ouderenzorg

A linkt to the Dutch blog post, posted at Qruxx can be found here.

Oproep aan de langdurige ouderenzorg: gebruik die data!

A linkt to the Dutch blog post, posted at Skipr can be found here.

Artificial Intelligence in the media: who's to blame?

“Is Artifical Intelligence good?” @LaForge_Tech, October 14, 2019. ā€œIf we don’t act, #ArtificialIntelligence will impact #HumanRights. […] @NLatUNESCO, October 14, 2019. It seems to have become an international hobby: putting the blame on Artificial Intelligence (AI). These kinds of phrases used by and in the media to describe AI make it seem as if computers and robots are taking over our world as we speak. Phrases such as “Artificial Intelligence is biased” are the rule rather than the exception.

Artificial Intelligence in de media: we schuiven de schuld af.

ā€œHet discriminerende algoritme. Hoe treden we op tegen de uitwassen van kunstmatige intelligentie?ā€, www.rodehoed.nl, 30 september 2019. ā€œKan kunstmatige intelligentie racistisch of seksistisch zijnā€, www.nos.nl, 30 mei 2019. Het lijkt wel een internationale hobby geworden: de schuld neerleggen bij Artificial Intelligence (AI), ook wel kunstmatige intelligentie genoemd. Formuleringen die door en in de media worden gebruikt om AI te beschrijven, doen vermoeden dat computers en robots onze maatschappij overnemen. Bewoordingen zoals ā€œHet gevaar van kunstmatige intelligentieā€ zijn eerder regel dan uitzondering.

Introducing new technology in radiography: how to increase adoption?

On request, based on a presentation during a conference, I have written a blog post on technology adoption in healthcare. A linkt to the blog post, posted at carestream can be found here.