Research articles
Here, you will find a list of my published articles and blogs. The list includes scientific articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as more popular articles often written for non-scientists.
Bouchmal S, Goërtz YMJ, Hacking C, Winkens B, Aarts S. The relation between resident-related factors and care problems in nursing homes: a multi-level analysis. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024.19;24(1):1435.
Aarts S & Willems S. Ouderenzorg is niet klaar voor beoogde AI-revolutie . 2024.
Aarts S & Willems S. Limburgse ouderenzorg gebruikt text-mining als sleutel tot dataschatkist. 2024.
Aarts S. Smart use of data improves quality of long-term care for older adults.
Hendriks A., Hacking C., Verbeek H. & Aarts S. Data science techniques to gain novel insights into quality of care: a scoping review of long-term care for older adults. Special Issue: Data-Informed Decision Making in Healthcare. Exploration of Digital Health Technologies.2024.
Hacking C., Verbeek H., Hamers JPH. & Aarts S. Comparing text mining and manual coding methods: Analysing interview data on quality of care in long-term care for older adults. PLOS ONE. 2023.
Aarts S., de Vries, E., Verbeek H., Oddekerken G. & Sion K. A multi-stakeholder perspective on quality of care among residents, family members and nursing staff in nursing homes: A Balanced Centricity approach. Patient Experience Journal. 2023; 10(2):148-156.
Aarts S. Data-informed decision making in long-term care for older adults: what do we need? IPA. 2023.
Hacking C., Verbeek H., Hamers JPH. & Aarts S. The development of an automatic speech recognition model using interview data from long-term care for older adults. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2023; 30(3).
Golz C. Aarts S., Hacking C., Hahn S. & Zwakhalen SMG. Health professionals’ sentiments towards implemented information technologies in psychiatric hospitals: a text-mining analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 2022: 22(1).
Hacking C., Verbeek H., Hamers JPH., Sion K., & Aarts S. Text mining in long-term care: Exploring the usefulness of artificial intelligence in a nursing home setting. PLOS ONE. 2022; 17(8).
Ramaza F. Aarts S. & Widdowfield M. Exploring the implementation of evidence-based optimisation strategies: A qualitative study of the experience of diagnostic radiographers. Radiography, 2022, 28(3), pp. 804–810
Wagenmakers EJ, Sarafoglou A, Aarts S, Albers C, Algermissen J, BahnÃk S, van Dongen N, Hoekstra R, Moreau D, van Ravenzwaaij D, Sluga , Stanke F, Tendeiro J & Aczel B. Seven steps toward more transparency in statistical practice. Nature Human Behavior. 2021; 5, 1473–1480.
Aarts S, Daniels R, Heijkers J, Lexis M & Schiffelers T. Smartglass implementatie: Geleerde lessen in langdurige ouderenzorg. ICT & Health. 2021.
Manen A, Aarts S, Metzelthin S, Verbeek H, Hamers J & Zwakhalen S. A communication model for nursing staff working in dementia care: Results of a scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2021; 113.
Aarts S, Daniels R, Hamers J & Verbeek H. Data in de langdurige ouderenzorg. Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde. 2020.
Aarts S. & Verbeek H. Blog: Vijf handvatten om data in de langdurige ouderenzorg te gebruiken. Zorgvisie. 2020.
Aarts S & Verbeek H. Blog: Slim gebruik van data verbetert kwaliteit langdurige ouderenzorg. Qruxx. 2020.
Aarts S & Verbeek H. Blog: Oproep aan de langdurige ouderenzorg: gebruik die data! Skipr. 2020.
van de Baan F, Aarts S & Verbeek H. Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Video Calling For Connecting with Family Residing in Nursing Homes. IPA Bulletin. 2020. Special Issue: Telehealth.
Sion K, Verbeek H, Aarts S, Zwakhalen S, Odekerken-Schröder G, Schols J & Hamers J. The Validity of Connecting Conversations: A Narrative Method to Assess Experienced Quality of Care in Nursing Homes from the Resident’s Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17, 5100.
Prins M, van Erp J, Heijkants C, Backhaus R, Aarts S, Verbeek H, van der Schot A. Discovering staffing issues and experiencing with staffing levels in Dutch nursing homes’. Innovation in Aging. 2019; 3 (No.S1).
Peek STM, Luijkx KG, Vrijhoef HJM, Nieboer ME, Aarts S, van der Voort, CS, Rijnaard, MD, Wouters, EJM. Understanding changes and stability in the long-term use of technologies by seniors who are aging in place: a dynamical framework. BMC Geriatrics. 2019; 19 (236).
Aarts S. Blog: Introducing new technology in radiography: how to increase adoption? Carestream. 2019.
Aarts S. Zijn significante resultaten ook klinisch relevant? Podosophia. 2019.
Aarts S & de Koning, A. Correlatie-analyse. Podosophia. 2018.
Verkerk MJ, van Hoof J, Aarts S, de Koning, SJMM, van der Plaats JJ. A neurological and philosophical perspective on the design of environments and technology for older people with dementia. Journal of Enabling Technologies. 2018; 12 (2): 57-75.
Peek STM, Luijkx KG, Vrijhoef HJM, Nieboer ME, Aarts S, van der Voort, CS, Rijnaard, MD, Wouters, EJM. A dynamical framework for understanding changes and stability in the use of technologies by independent-living seniors. Journal of Gerontechnology. 2018; 60(60).
Aarts S. Social media usage among community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2018; 33(3):554-555.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. T-toets en ANOVA. Podosophia. 2018.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Chi-Square toetsen. Podosophia. 2018.
Wouters EJM & Aarts S. Regressie-analyse. Podosophia. 2018.
Peek STM, Luijkx, KG, Vrijhoef HJM, Nieboer ME, Aarts S, van der Voort, CS, Rijnaard, MD, Wouters, EJM. Origins and consequences of technology requirement by independent-living seniors: towards an integrative model. BMC Geriatrics. 2017: 17:189-207.
Aarts S, Cornelis F, Zevenboom Y, Brokken O, van de Griend N, Spoorenberg M, ten Bokum W, Wouters EJM. Radiographers’ opinions regarding technology in healthcare: a qualitative study. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 2017: 64(1):3-9.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Ethiek in het onderzoek van de toekomst. ICT & Health. 2017.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. E-learning module NVMBR; ‘Wat is wetenschap?’. 2016.
Peek STM, Luijkx KG, Vrijhoef HJM, Rijnaard MD, Nieboer M, van der Voort C, Aarts S, Wouters EJM. Older adults’ reasons for using technology while aging in place: a qualitative field study. Gerontology. 2016: 62(2):226-37.
Peek STM, Luijkx KG, Aarts S, Nieboer ME, van der Voort CS,van Hoof J, Rijnaard MD, Vrijhoef HJM, Wouters EJM (2016). Use one, use all? Selective use of apps by seniors. Gerontechnology. 2016: 15(0):54-54
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. De strijd tegen eenzaamheid: Technologie als wondermiddel? ICT & Health. 2016.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Beschrijvende statistiek. Podosophia. 2016.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Evidence-based practice: wat is het en welke rol speelt het in het beroep van de MBB’er? NVMBR Digitaal Magazine ‘De MBB’er in beeld’. 2016.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Kwantitatief versus kwalitatief onderzoek. Podosophia. 2016.
Aarts S, Cornelis F, Zevenboom Y, Brokken O, van de Griend N, Spoorenberg M, ten Bokum W, Wouters EJM. De MBB’er aan het werk; de ervaring met en visie op technologie, nu en in de toekomst. Gamma Professional. 2015.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Systematic Reviews. Podosophia. 2015.
Wouters EMJ & Aarts S. Onderzoeksdesigns. Podosophia. 2015.
Van Hoof J, Wetzels M, Dooremalen AMC, Overdiep, RA, Nieboer M, Eyck PJLM, van Gorkom AME, Zwerts-Verhelst L, Aarts S, Vissers-Luijcks C, van der Voort C, Moonen MJGA, van de Vrande HA, van Dijck-Heinen CJML, Wouters EJM. Exploring Innovative Solutions for Quality of Life and Care of Bed-Ridden Nursing Home Residents through Codesign Sessions. Journal of Aging Research. 2015
Aarts S, Patel KV, Garcia ME, van den Akker, M, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JFM, van Boxtel MPJ, Jonsdottir M, Siggeirsdottir K, Jonsson PV, Harris TB, Launer LJ. Co-occurrence of disability and multimorbidity with frailty: an examination of heterogeneity in the frail older population. Journal of Frailty and Aging. 2015: 4(3): 131–138.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Leer wetenschappelijke artikelen snel en efficiënt lezen. Podosophia. Podosophia. 2015.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Van praktijkprobleem naar onderzoeksvraag. Podosophia. 2015.
Aarts S, van Zaalen Y & Wouters EJM. Evidence-based pratice in de dagelijkse praktijk. Podosophia. 2015.
Aarts S & Wouters EJM. Ethiek in educatieonderzoek. KWALON. 2015
Aarts S, Wouters EJM, Peek S. Invullen RAND-36 door zelfstandig wonende ouderen kan leiden tot foutieve scores. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie. 2015;46:3.
Van Hoof J, Wetzels M, Dooremalen AMC, Nieboer M, van Gorkom AME, Eyck PJLM, Zwerts-Verhelst L, Peek S, van der Voort C, Moonen MJGA, van Dijck-Heinen CJML, Weffers HTG, Overdiep R, Aarts S, Vissers-Luijcks C, Wouters EMJ. The essential elements for a nursing home according to stakeholders from healthcare and technology. Perspectives from multiple simultaneous monodisciplinary workshops. Journal of Housing For the Elderly. 2015: 28(4):329-356.
Aarts S, Peek S & Wouters EMJ. The relation between social network site usage and loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2014.
Aarts S, Cornelis F, Ligtenberg P, Ras D, Goeijers M, Wouters EMJ. De MBB’er aan het werk; de visie van de MBB’er op patiëntenbegeleiding. Gamma Professional. 2014.
Nieboer, M.E., van Hoof J, van Hout A, Aarts S, Wouters EMJ. Professional values, technology and future health care: the view of health care professionals in the Netherlands. Technology in Society. 2014: 39:10-17.
Aarts S, Winkens B, van den Akker M. The importance of effect sizes. European Journal of General Practice. 2013:1–4.
Vos R, Aarts S, van Mulligen E, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel M, van den Akker M. Finding potentially new multimorbidity patterns of psychiatric and somatic diseases: exploring the use of literature-based discovery in primary care research. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association BMJ. 2013.
Aarts S, Winkens B, van den Akker M. The insignificance of statistical significance. European Journal of General Practice. 2012: 18(1):50-2.
The articles below (2009-2012) can be found in my dissertation
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Tan FE, Verhey FR, Bosma H, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel MP. The effect of single morbidity and multimorbidity on mental and physical health: temporary or persistent? Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2012: 73(3):211-7.
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Tan FE, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel MP. Influence of multimorbidity on cognition in a normal aging population: a 12-year follow-up in the Maastricht Aging Study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2011: 26:1046-1053.
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Tan FE, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel MP. De invloed van multimorbiditeit op het cognitief functioneren. Huisarts en Wetenschap. 2011: 54(3).
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Hajema KJ, van Ingen AM, Metsemakers JF, Verhey FR, van Boxtel MP. Multimorbidity and its relation to subjective memory complaints in a large general population of older adults. International Psychogeriatrics. 2011: 23(4):616-624.
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Bosma H, Tan FE, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel MP. Pathologies chroniques uniques ou multiples: leurs effets sur la santé physique ou mentale sont-ils temporaires ou persistants?. Excercer. 2011: 99:90-91. [in French]
Aarts S, van den Akker M, Tan FE, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, van Boxtel MP. Multimorbidité et cognition: étude longitudinal dans une population âgée normale. Excercer. 2010: 92(3):84-85. [in French]
Aarts S, van den Akker M, van Boxtel MP, Jolles J, Winkens B, Metsemakers JF. Diabetes mellitus type II as a risk factor for depression: a lower than expected risk in a general practice setting. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2009: 24(10):641-648.